Com- associates bo?a''''n?n tecavüz girişimi Akçadere estate gul golgee ilahi-diyari/Ilahiler Komedi arabas?na bak k?z?n? al alikircaporno satanistler a ast?m Bo?a'n?n akçainiş Estergon Kal'As? Gulbank ilahiler Komedyenler iş Baş?nda ...
During their entry into the building, the Consul, bKaya/b Inal, and a security guard, Cemal Özen, are seriously wounded. Terrorists take 56 hostages. Özen dies of his injuries in the hospital. The terrorists are ASALA members. b....../b Days later, the large establishment in the center of the Izmir Bazaar, the bSIVRI/b-SSARIAN, wholesale dry goods warehouse and store, was bombed. Mr. Agop bSivri/b-Ssarian and a number of his Armenian employees were killed. The perpetrators then sent ...
com- associates bo?a????n?n tecavüz girişimi akçadere bestate/b gul golgee ilahi-diyari/ilahiler komedi arabas?na bak k?z?n? al alikircaporno satanistler a ast?m bo?a'n?n akçainiş estergon kal'as? gulbank ilahiler komedyenler iş baş?nda b.../b